**Cracks fingers** It's going to be a long day...
So, I suppose this animation was supposed to be about a horror movie, in a horror theatre. Alright, that sounds like a geniue idea. The pre-loader looks all very good and graphical, and so I click play.
Now, I can't really express how witty the 'death tickets' were. Maybe because they weren't at all. However, they really do (along with the ancient man) bring out a decent atmosphere to set the flash in. As the customer walks off, down the graphic-less corridor, he encounters... (dundundun) THE SCREAMING MAN! And so, the flash begins its decline.
I didn't really see any point in putting 'him' there. It wasn't scary, and the main character didn't react to its presence. Instead, we see the character enter the main cinema, which, to be honest, has decent graphics. The movie plays out. It's bad (and thank God it was supposed to be, eh? Although it does look like something which was blammed from the NG portal xP). But from when the movie (in the cinema) ends, there isn't any more horror-ish action. There's just a ticket-returner guy, who looks like he's been transfered from the frontline of McDonalds (scary?) and then a dark room with a load of people in.
Overall, it was short, sharp and raised a smile (in the end). Not very horrorish, but it was still ten times better than Sunday morning T.V.